Saturday, February 21, 2015

Using PowerPivot for SharePoint

PowerPivot applications are created using Excel 2010 with the PowerPivot add-in, as
covered in the preceding chapter. After a PowerPivot application is created, it should be
uploaded to the SharePoint PowerPivot Gallery to be shared across the organization.

PowerPivot Gallery
When documents are loaded into a typical SharePoint library, they are presented in a
simple list. This works fine, but wouldn’t it be great if the documents were able to be
previewed in a library visually, like how photos are presented with thumbnail previews?
Well, that is precisely what the PowerPivot Gallery provides for PowerPivot applications.
Although this might seem like simple eye-candy, this has significant benefits for usability
and user adoption. It’s much easier for users to remember an application visually than
simply by the filename. Also, the ability to visually review the applications in the gallery
makes them more engaging, which can lead to increased user adoption.

The PowerPivot Gallery uses Silverlight for the various presentations. As a result,
Silverlight needs to be installed to use the gallery. In addition, Silverlight is a 32-bitonly
application, so the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer is required, as well.

PowerPivot Gallery
The PowerPivot Gallery offers three different presentations: Gallery view, Carousel view,
and Theater view. These are selectable from the Library ribbon, as shown in. Gallery view: The Gallery view is the most basic of the views and lists a preview of
the file along with a smaller thumbnail view of each sheet in the file. As you hover
over each thumbnail, the primary view changes to show that sheet. Clicking the
primary view or the thumbnail launches the PowerPivot viewer and loads the file
full screen for interactivity.

When viewing the workbooks in the gallery, you will notice two faint icons in the upperright
corner for each workbook. The icon on the right, which looks like a calendar, is the
Manage Data Refresh function. Clicking this icon launches a page where a data refresh
schedule can be created. Currently, the highest frequency that can be set for data refresh is
daily. This can be useful for applications where the data is loaded nightly, because the
PowerPivot applications could then be set to refresh each morning.
When a PowerPivot workbook gets refreshed, PowerPivot needs to take a new “snapshot”
of each sheet for visual presentation in the gallery. The PowerPivotGallery component
initiates this snapshot process automatically, but if a user attempts to look at the gallery
before the snapshot has been updated, PowerPivot places an hourglass icon on the
outdated views as a visual indicator that these views are not yet current. 
Publishing PowerPivot workbooks to SharePoint can be done by either the Upload function
from within the SharePoint PowerPivot Gallery, the Save As option from within
Excel, or the Save and Send option for publishing from within Excel. Although all of these
methods produce the same result (that is, getting the file into SharePoint), the mechanisms
and options used are different. The Upload option is initiated from within the SharePoint PowerPivot Gallery. The Upload function is a synchronous transfer and is the fastest option but also results.The Save As option is initiated from within Excel by selecting Save As and browsing
to the PowerPivot Gallery in SharePoint as the destination. This option uses an asynchronous
transfer, which enables the bandwidth demand to be more balanced, but
takes more time than the Upload option.
. The Save and Send option is similar to the Save As option but enables the user to specify
publishing options, including selecting which sheets of the workbook to expose in
the browser and setting parameter values that may be used in the worksheet.
Although there is no way to force a particular PowerPivot publishing method, each organization
should consider whether there is a preferred method and recommend this to
their users.
Controlling Data Exposure and Spreadmarts
Although the uploading of PowerPivot workbooks is beneficial to an organization, allowing
these workbooks to be downloaded can be very detrimental. Because these PowerPivot
applications contain significant data and may also contain business rules, allowing them
to be downloaded can be risky. In addition, downloading these applications usually results
in multiple copies of various versions of the application, which is a very unmanageable
FIGURE 10.15 Publish initiated from Excel.
182 CHAPTER 10 PowerPivot for SharePoint
scenario. This scenario has been thought of as a datamart of spreadsheets, or a spreadmart.
This can be controlled by preventing users from downloading these applications.
To prevent users from downloading the workbooks into Excel, Excel Services provides a
SharePoint group named “Viewers.” Users placed into the “Viewers” group can still fully
interact with the workbook, including changing the slicer values, but they are prevented
from downloading the Excel file.
Monitoring PowerPivot
One of the biggest advantages of a tool like PowerPivot is the ability to give end users the
freedom to build the analytic applications that they find useful for managing the business.
However, one of the biggest concerns for SharePoint administrators is being able to
manage the effect that these applications will have on the rest of the SharePoint environment
and to plan for future resources.
To meet this need, PowerPivot for SharePoint includes some very useful tools for monitoring
which files are being used and how they are performing. The SharePoint Usage and
Health Data Collection service is used to collect this information, and the PowerPivot
Management Dashboard is used to monitor this information.
Enabling Usage and Health Data Collection
The Usage and Health Data Collection service is new to SharePoint 2010. This service
collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting
purposes. During the multiserver farm install process, there was a statement about
making sure the Usage and Health Data Collection service was enabled. To do this, follow
these steps:
1. Go to Central Administration and navigate to Monitoring, Configure Usage and
Health Data Collection.
2. Confirm that the Enable Usage Data Collection box is checked, and then check the
boxes for PowerPivot data collection, namely the following:
  • PowerPivot Connections
  • PowerPivot Load Data Usage
  • PowerPivot Unload Data Usage
  • PowerPivot Query Usage

3. Confirm that the Enable Health Data Collection box is checked.

Using the PowerPivot Management Dashboard

To launch the dashboard, go to Central Administration and navigate to General
Application Settings, PowerPivot Management Dashboard.
The dashboard is divided into the following sections:
. Infrastructure - Server Health: Provides graphical trend charts for the following
  • Query Response Times
  • Average Instance CPU
  • Average Instance Memory
  • Activity
  • Performance

. Actions: Links to PowerPivot-related settings within SharePoint.
. Workbook Activity: This is a chart of the number of queries by the number of
users over time, but it is more than just a static chart. It enables you to “play” the
chart and watch how the usage occurs over the time span presented. This is useful
for tracking peak activity and determining when additional resources might be
. Data Refresh: The automatic data refresh capability of PowerPivot is one of its most
useful features. As such, it’s extremely important to know whether those refreshes
succeed or fail, and if they fail, why. The Data Refresh section contains a list of
FIGURE 10.16 PowerPivot management dashboard.
184 CHAPTER 10 PowerPivot for SharePoint
recent activity, which can be drilled down to see all history for a particular data file.
The Data Refresh section also contains a list of recent failures for troubleshooting.
. Reports: The Server Health and Workbook Activity sections are actually displays
from a PowerPivot application, which is connected to an Analysis Services cube
named ITOps Sandbox. The Excel files that provide that information are listed in the
Reports section as Server Health.xlsx and Workbook Activity.xlsx. Custom reports
can also be created against this cube.
While PowerPivot enables end users to create powerful analytic applications, the
PowerPivot features of SharePoint enable IT to keep the applications accessible, current,
and organized.
In this chapter, we explored how PowerPivot for SharePoint is installed, how the
PowerPivot Gallery can be used to access and refresh these applications, and how the
PowerPivot Management Dashboard can be used to keep things running smoothly.
Best Practices
The following are best practices while working with PowerPivot for SharePoint:
. Don’t skimp on memory: Because PowerPivot for SharePoint loads the workbooks
into the server’s memory, the application server hosting PowerPivot services should
have plenty of memory. The recommended amount of memory for an enterprise
PowerPivot server is 32GB to 64GB. This will vary from organization to organization,
but the determining factor is the number and size of concurrent workbooks that will
be used.
. Review and set file size limits: Because PowerPivot applications include the actual
data, the files can be larger than what is commonly stored in SharePoint. By default,
SharePoint limits the size of uploaded files to 50MB and Excel Services limits the size
of a workbook to 10MB. These limits should be reviewed and adjusted as necessary
to meet the requirements for the environment.
. In a multiserver SharePoint farm, turn off Excel Calculation Services on the
WFEs: If the instance of ECS on the WFE tries to connect to the PowerPivot application
service, it will fail because the Analysis Services OLE DB driver is not installed
on the WFE.
. Turn off the Excel Web Access warning: Because PowerPivot applications require
Excel Services to query external data, users will frequently be prompted with the
SharePoint Excel Web Access external data warning. In the Excel Services Application
settings, the Warn on Refresh check box should be cleared.

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